I have been working very hard in the last week. Mostly because I am trying to spend more time working and less time dwelling on the traumatic past. I guess this is the productive stage of grief.
I have been thinking lately of actually getting a job, but life is funny, and it seems to be easier said than done. Out here in the Black Hills, the economy is very focused on tourist season. It is very, very easy to get a job here between May and September, but it is almost impossible to find a job in winter, especially if you are looking for something non-professional.
So, here I am, with nothing to do but focus on my knitting and fiber projects. And in a turn that I could never have predicted, I have the time, the support, and the space to really go for it.
First, the projects that I have finished:
A River Runs Through Mitt |
I finally finished making the second mitt of
A River Runs Through Mitt from
Darn. Knit. {Anyway} at the 2013 MN Yarn Shop Hop! I even wove in the ends. Now I just have to give them a good wash and they will be ready just in time for cooler weather.
Double Bump Dishcloth |
I tried my hand at dishcloth knitting with the
Double Bump Dishcloth. Amazingly, this is my first dishcloth. It was fast, really fast, and kinda fun. I worked this one up because I wanted to make one with someone else's pattern before designing my own. I am currently planning out a 3-class, beginning knitting class that teaches the basics though a dishcloth pattern that I designed. I will keep you all updated as to when and how this class might happen.
The black bamboo/silk socks from hell. |
I really don't mean to whine about knitting. I love knitting, and I love knitting socks, and I really love a challenge. But these stockinette, black, size 1.5 needle socks really seem to be kicking my butt. The stockinette is boring, the yarn can be hard to see, and there are quite a few stitches. And just to make it harder, I was trying to make these socks for my husband just before he passed away. But I believe that the project is worth it and they will be beautiful socks when I am finished, and I will be able to give them to my dad.
The good news with these socks is that I finished the first one this week and started the second. The bad news is that I still need to pick up tiny black stitches along the heel of the second sock. Oh well. All projects have their frustrating points and I'm sure they will turn out beautifully.
A sweater finally? |
I have also decided that I am going to make a sweater with the sport weight
Wool of the Andes that I have had stashed for an age. I picked up the pattern for Even Flow by
Joji Locatelli. I'm thinking of casting on today. Wish me luck.
Finally, I submitted my first design proposal this week. I have been designing a cowl and I pitched the pattern to a magazine. We will see if anything comes of this.
Otherwise, for future excitement:
- I will be working on networking in the Black Hills fiber arts scene.
- I am signed up for a wheel spinning class next weekend at
Fall River Fibers and my mother might be joining me in that adventure.
- I am teaching myself how to dye yarn with food dyes.
Just some things for readers to look forward to. I have assigned myself a posting schedule of Tuesday and Friday every week, so please tune in!